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Creating Your Team Structure

Set up teams to best support your organization needs

Updated over a week ago


Users are grouped into teams and communities across Blink. Their grouping dictates the user's experience.

Organizations should create teams to reflect their own organizational structure.

There are a few different ways you can create your team structure within Blink - it all depends on how your organization is structured and who needs to speak to who. As a best practice, we encourage you to mirror your organizational structure so that it is familiar to you and your workforce.

👪 What is a Team?

A team is a type of group on Blink. We offer two ways to group users; into

  • Teams

  • Communities

Teams are the foundation of your organizational structure on Blink. They are how you group your employees together and define what each user sees and has access to throughout Blink.

Communities are open and discoverable by the user who can join and leave as they please.

⚛️ Why create your team structure?

Every piece of content added to the feed or hub has to be assigned an audience. The audience can be made up of a single or multiple groups. Therefore, using teams is vital to ensuring each user has access to what they need.

It is also important to create your team structure before importing your users. By doing this, you will be able to automate adding users to designated teams during the bulk user import process rather than manually adding users to teams post-import.

🎨 Who can create teams?

Only two types of users can create teams within the Admin Portal: Organization Admins and Content Moderators

💡 Team structure recommendations

By default, an all-encompassing organization-wide team will automatically be created, which will include all users in your Blink organization. We recommend organizing your teams by their department, location, and/or roles.

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