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Connecting Blink to Salesforce

Integrate your Salesforce profile into Blink

Updated over 2 years ago

To use the Blink Salesforce app, your Salesforce instance must have the REST API enabled. All versions of Salesforce have the REST API enabled by default except for the Professional Edition. If you are a Professional Edition user, contact Salesforce to enable the REST API on your instance.

  1. In Salesforce, navigate to the 'Setup' page

  2. In the sidebar in the 'Build' section, click 'Apps'

  3. Navigate to the 'Connected Apps' section on the Apps page and click 'New'

  4. You will be presented with a form, fill it in with the following information:

    1. Connected App Name: Blink

    2. API Name: Blink

    3. Contact Email:

    4. Tick 'Enable OAuth settings', this will expand the OAuth settings section

    5. Fill in the Callback URL:

    6. Select OAuth Scopes so the scopes match the image below:
      Now scroll to the bottom of the form and click 'Save'

You will now be back on the 'Connected Apps' page and you should see the Blink app in the 'Connected Apps' section. On the Blink app, click 'Manage'

  1. On the Manage App page, click 'Edit Policies'

  2. Navigate to the 'IP Relaxation' dropdown menu

  3. Select 'Relax IP Restrictions'

  4. Then click 'Save' at the bottom of the page

  5. Now, back on the Connected Apps page, click the App name 'Blink'

  6. On the page that appears, your Consumer Key and Consumer Key will be shown

  7. Go to the 'Manage apps' page in Blink and select Salesforce, in the form that is shown, input your Salesforce Instance URL in the Instance URL textbox, your Salesforce Consumer Key in the Client Id textbox and your Salesforce Consumer Secret in the Client Secret textbox.

  8. Finally, click 'Connect' at the bottom of the form.

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