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Editing Users

How and when to update the user profile information from the Admin Panel

Updated over 10 months ago

To edit users, please head to the Admin Page and find the user you need to edit! What you can edit can be found below:

Editing the information on the account

Each profile has dedicated information that needs to be personal to each user. That means their team, location, and teams need to be specific to that user.

Each profile has dedicated information that needs to be personal to each user. That means their team, location, and teams need to be specific to that user.

  1. Find the field you need changing

  2. Click and edit the field accordingly

  3. Click 'Save" to finalize your changes

Editing Team Access

Just as simple as the above, however, if you are a Team Admin you can only add and remove members who you admin over. Therefore, you can see all accounts that are in the team you Admin over, but you cannot edit the other Teams in their list.

  1. Find the user who needs their Teams changed.

  2. Click onto the profile and switch to the 'Teams' section

  3. Select 'Add to teams' if they are not already in a team. Search for the team they ought to be assigned to and add them.

💡 Helpful Hint

Need to remove a user from a team? Head to their user profile and select the "teams" section. From there, simply select the team you'd like to remove them from and click the "remove from team" option under the ... menu to the right.

User state/Deactivating Users

  1. To deactivate a user you need to head to the User's profile.

  2. From there the 'Deactivate user' option will be located on the right-hand panel

  3. Press 'Deactivate user'

  4. To make an account active again, follow steps 1-3 and select 'Enable user" instead.

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