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Restricting Feed Access

What restricting the feed access does to a user's profile as well as how to restrict/unrestrict a user

Updated over a week ago

📵 Blink has given the power to Blink admins to restrict access to the feed for specific users if they need to.

In this article:

What does it mean to be "restricted"?

Administrators can restrict account access to the Feed. If in this mode, you will not be able to post to the Feed, like, comment or vote on polls. You will still receive new posts and have full access to read the latest news from your organization and colleagues.

How to restrict someone?

You will need access to the admin panel in order to do this. All Admins with access can do this, however, Team Admins can only restrict those who are in the Team they Administrate.

  1. Firstly, decide who needs this. This is your choice as an Admin and as an Organization.

  2. Then head to the Admin panel and search for the user in question

  3. Click on their account and press "Restrict Feed Access".

  4. Once a user is Restricted you will notice the option will change!

How can this help you?

It is always our hope that everyone abides by the company standards and promotes their organization positively through the Blink app; however, we do realize that this may not always be the case and we want to ensure that your organization in prepared for these situations.

By restricting those who haven't adhered to your company standard, you allow for those who are operating within your guidelines to come out of the shadows to some degree. This typically means that more users will be more active on posts and able to engage with their peers. Overall, it can create a better experience by restricting those who are not following the expectations of the organizations.

❗ Please note that the Blink team will not be involved in removing restrictions or applying them to users so please refrain from asking us. That said, we will be happy to inform you on how you can do it and resolve any issues that occur. ❗

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