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Blink widgets
Updated over a week ago


A custom widget is a great place to provide an alternative link to the Apps / Docs section or promote another system or service within your organization.

Widgets can be placed in various parts of the Blink experience. They are a great way to customise the Blink experience to meet the unique needs of your organization and workforce. They can be used to promote important information, give an alternative way to access documents, other systems and anything else they need.

Both the number of widgets available as well as your options for how and where each widget can be placed is improving constantly. If there's a widget you want us to build or any other feedback/suggestions you have, please let us know.

Displaying/hiding widgets

All widgets can be hidden/displayed for your organization. This will soon be customisable by your own team but for now you will need to contact Blink to make any changes.

Building widgets and adding them to the feed page of our desktop application, means that you can create the perfect experience for your organization. These widgets are great for pinning important content, promoting new things in the hub, driving awareness of campaigns and so much more.

Smart widgets

Our smart widgets display content based on each users profile and interaction with the platform. If there is nothing to show them, they will not see the widget but if there is, they will be seeing content relevant to them and not just the same content as everyone else.

Based on each users activity with content in the Hub, this widget give easier access to content they need most regularily.

Each user will see the teams they are a member of, giving them instant access to this teams page where they can then access relevant people, channels and content.

Simply integrate Blink with your Google or Microsoft 365 calendar to display your daily events on the feed page of the desktop app.


When you have an upcoming survey that you have been asked to partake in, it will be shown in this widget. Whilst this widget can be hidden we recommend not doing that as you will see a drop in participation.

Frontline Intelligence - Engagement score

Only visible to adminstrators, this widget shows you what percentage of your team are engaging with the Feed.

Key contacts

The fastest way to get to your manager and favourite contacts profiles and chats.

Static widgets

Quick links are created by your administrators. This widget allows you to make those defined links accessible from the feed on web as well as the hub.


Maybe a little smart? The weather displayed is based on each users location, but not as smart as our other widgets.

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