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Notifications by Device

a brief overview of all our current notification types for iOS, Android, and Desktop options

Updated over a week ago

In this article:


On the desktop, you can receive notifications for all of the following activities:

  • New messages in chats/channels

  • New feed posts

  • New comments on feed posts

  • Mentions in chats, feed posts, and comments

  • Reactions/likes from other users on posts or comments you've made in the Feed

  • New surveys

  • Survey reminders

Desktop notifications will be signaled with a sound (this can be set up in your preferences) and with a pop up like the one shown below.

You will also see a notification icon on the app itself and/or on the tab of your web browser.

Keep in mind that your settings on the desktop will impact what notifications do/don't come through to you. On Windows devices, you can manage notifications in the settings of your computer by toggling them on/off as shown below:

You can also manage how you're notified such as showing notifications on the lock screen or allowing sounds. Please note that our system will only send separate chat notification noises if you have not received a message for more than 1 minute: this means that you wouldn't hear a lot of separate dings for an active chat/channel you're in unless it's been quiet for a bit.

You may also see notifications within the app in the form of banners for content like Mandatory Reads that require your acknowledgement. These will typically appear as shown below:

Your organization may also have important pages or content listed in your tasks. You can see what tasks you have by clicking the ^ to the right of the tasks banner.


On iOS, we have the following notifications available for the app:

  • Messages - direct messages, group chats, and channels

  • Feed post acknowledgements

  • Feed posts and feed post deletions

  • Feed comments

  • Feed delivery

  • Feed likes

  • Feed post reminders

  • Surveys

You can update your notification preferences in the settings section of the Blink app as shown below.


On the Android version of the app, we have all of the following notifications available as shown below:

In addition, your app will show the number of chat notifications on the icon itself.


How do I allow notifications on Android?

Open the settings menu. Select Notifications and then tap "app notifications". This will open a full list of the apps on your device. Scroll down until you see Blink and confirm that the toggle is set to on as show below.

How do I allow notifications for the Desktop app?

Open the settings menu on your computer. On Windows, click on system, then Notifications. On Mac, simply scroll down to Notifications as shown in the image below.

From there, go to Blink and make sure the notification is toggled to be on (usually it will turn blue).

How do I allow notifications for iOS?

Open the settings menu on your device. Scroll down to the Notifications section. From there, scroll down to Blink and confirm that the toggle is set to on in order to receive notifications.

Why am I not receiving notifications?

This can be caused by a number of different factors. First, make sure that notifications are enabled per the instructions above. If notifications are on but you still aren't receiving them, make sure that you don't have them snoozed and/or that your profile wasn't in "do not disturb" at the time the notification was sent.
If you still aren't receiving notifications, please contact us.

How can I stop receiving notifications?

If you'd like to temporarily stop receiving notifications, we recommend, either snoozing notifications or turning on "do not disturb". If you are looking to permanently stop receiving push notifications from the app, you can do so by revoking permissions for the app to send a notification: simply follow the steps above for your device and make sure the toggle is set to be off or is greyed out instead of blue.

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