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Reporting content for moderation

A user's guide for reporting content

Updated over 2 weeks ago

How to report content

As a Blink user, you are able to report any user generated content to the designated moderator(s) in your organisation.

This article covers:

You can report:

  • Feed content, including posts, comments and Stories.

  • Chat and channels messages.

You'll need to provide a reason why you have made the report, and it will be sent to a moderator to be reviewed.


Your report will be moderated by one of the following users:

  • A Group Admin:

Group Admins moderate the content that they administrate. If you report content from the Feed or from a channel where Operations Group was the audience, then the Operations Group Admin(s) will process your report.

  • An Organisation or People Admin:

Organisation or People Admins are responsible for moderating your reports in a number of scenarios.

  1. When there is no Group Admin assigned: your report is escalated to Organisation and People Admins if there is no assigned Group Admin to oversee the report.

  2. When content isn't associated to a Group: your report will be moderated by an Organisation or People Admin if the content wasn't shared with an established Blink Group.

There are a few simple steps for making a report.

How to report content

  1. On mobile or web, click on the 3 dots against the content you wish to report.

If your are reporting content from a chat or channel when using your mobile device, select the offending content to surface the menu options.

2. Select Report:

3. Choose the reason you are reporting the content and optionally provide additional information:

4. Press Submit once you’ve entered your reason. The report reason screen will automatically close and you’ll see a little pop-up that confirms content as reported:

Your report will be sent to the designated moderator(s) as a task.

You can only report the same content once:

What moderators see

Reporting content will enable the moderator to see the wider conversation that took place.

If you report content from a chat or channel, the moderator will be able to view the reported content and a maximum of 20 surrounding messages. This is to enable an appropriate and thorough moderation decision. The content that was reported will be highlighted for the moderator to see.

If you reported content from the Feed, the moderator will be able to view the Feed post and all of its associated comments to support their moderation decision.


What happens to my report?

Your report is sent to the designated moderator(s) as a task. You can learn more about this process here.

What if the content is not removed?

The moderator can choose to keep the content if they assess it as appropriate for the forum.

How do I verify the outcome of my report?

If you are not clear on the outcome, you can contact your Group, People or Org Admin(s) who can give you further information.

Does the moderator know that I made the report?

Yes. The moderator can see the names of the users who reported the content. This is so they can make any appropriate follow-up.

Is my report confidential to other users?

Yes. Only the designated moderators can see that you made the report. It is confidential from anyone else.

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